
Cleaning and Conformal Coating Test Vehicles

PCB-B-24 IPC Standard Test Board

The PCB-B-24 IPC/SMTA standard test board is compliant with the IPC Phase 3 cleaning and cleanliness test program. It was designed to be a vehicle for examining the interactions between laminate, surface metalizations, and fluxes. It is the primary qualification vehicle for ANSI J-STD-004, which is ...

PCB-B-25A IPC Compliant Test Board

The PCB-B-25A IPC Compliant test board meets the current guidelines for solder Masks (IPC-SM-804C) and conformal coatings (IPC-CC-830A).

PCB-B-36 standard IPC Compliant SIR test board

The PCB-B-36 standard SIR test board was designed for the IPC cleaning cleanliness test program, Phase 1. It was designed for examining the ability of a cleaning solvent to remove flux residues, and to examine the effects of entrapped residues under low standoff components.

PC051 Foresite Umpire Test Board

This vehicle is best used to look at process qualifications for the primary and secondary steps. Wave Solder, SMT, Cleaning, and then the secondary steps of temporary solder mask, rework flux, and rework cleaning. It also works well to look at interactions of solder mask with fluxes and/or solder pa...

B-52 CRET Rev B CRET Cleanliness & Residue Evaluation Kit

B-52 CRET Rev B Cleanliness and Residue Evaluation Test Kit is the newest revision of the existing B-52 CRET board.

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.4mm Pitch eWLP Dummy Wafer-Amkor
.4mm Pitch eWLP Dummy Wafer-Amkor


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Practical Components to Exhibit at the IPC High Reliability Forum
Practical is announcing that it will display its latest technology at the upcoming IPC High Reliability Forum and exhibition scheduled to take place May 15-17, 2018 in ... [read more]